", "datePublished": "20 June, 2017", "author":[{ "@type": "Person", "name": "Brian Whigham", "jobTitle": "CEO", "url": "https://demo.venndigital.co.uk/meet-the-team/profile/brian-whigham/" }], "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Hybridify", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } }, "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "@id": "https://sitescdn.wearevennture.co.uk/public/hybridify/mediahub/venndigitalsocialmediablog10waysyourbusinessshouldbeusingvideo.jpg", "url": "https://sitescdn.wearevennture.co.uk/public/hybridify/mediahub/venndigitalsocialmediablog10waysyourbusinessshouldbeusingvideo.jpg" } }

10 ways your business should be using video

3 minutes

The first Youtube video was uploaded in 2005, and since then, video content on the web has grown exponentially. Technology has made video content more accessible and also easier to produce ourselves. It's because of this trend that we're hired our inhouse videographer to help clients produce more personal and attention grabbing video content.

Whilst it's obvious to see how video can be used in B2C marketing with high octaine, exciting content and advertisement, we thought we'd look at how corporate businesses can utilise video also. 

With Laura behind the camera, we've put our MD Brian in the "Venn Den" to give you ten ways a B2B business can use video.

Speak to your account manager or Sarah our Head of Marketing about our new video proposition and packages.

