Venn's Recruitment Marketing Playbook

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Our 2021 Recruitment Playbook is a culmination of 10+ years of experience within the recruitment industry. With insights from our Founder Brian Whigham and our team of marketing experts, we look at the recruitment landscape today and the role of digital.

Over the last ten years, Venn has partnered with recruitment brands big and small to develop digital strategies. We have successfully helped brands drive website traffic, convert candidates and clients, and build brands that resonate with their target audiences. From enterprise talent specialists to fast-paced IT firms, our experience spans globally and vertically.

With this experience comes a deep understanding of the industry and the need for digital now more than ever. 2020 posed many challenges for the B2B ecosystem, shifting focus from candidate acquisition to client attraction. In turn, we’ve seen a surge of recruitment businesses coming to us asking for support with their digital transformation journey, from the brand through to the site optimisation.

"Post-pandemic, we're seeing many brands reaching out asking for guidance on how to boost their digital presence. Having come from a background in recruitment before founding Venn, we've spent the past 10 years helping the industry understand the importance of digital. Our 2021 playbook launches after a challenging year for the B2B market, helping you achieve the best results from your strategy."  - Brian Whigham, Managing Director at Venn

Coming from a background in recruitment, Brian founded Venn with a wealth of industry knowledge. With this understanding as the foundation, Venn has become the go-to digital partner for the industry, powered by bespoke tech and supported by quality strategy and service. We have created the playbook with one simple aim, to get you asking the right questions about your business. Starting with brand, we talk through our 4-step approach to digital success, including; destination, functionality, and optimisation.  

The pandemic's impact has led to quick and reactive business decisions, but now is the time to take a step back and re-evaluate the 'Why' behind your brand. There’s no doubt about the importance of your online presence in an increasingly digital world, so let us help you take a step in the right direction.

In this guide, we cover:

  • The changing recruitment landscape
  • Venn’s digital framework,
  • The Why behind your brand
  • How to stand out from your competition
  • Engaging with passive and active candidates and clients